MSH Prayer Board
We kindly ask you to please pray for our MSH families who are experiencing hardships due to illness, death, economic struggles, or any other needs. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be our strength.
January 2025
Please continue to pray for the intentions on the Prayer board...
- Safety for all those in the path of Hurricane Milton
- Special intentions of the Alicea and Osuga family
- Blessings for Sofia Liwanes
- Repose of the souls of Jose Sanchez and Julio Bermudez
- Health of Frances Jones
- Repose of the soul of Melissa Murray
- Repose of the souls of Matthew Paundi and Sandra Paundi
- Healing and health of Chris’s wife
- Health and healing of Joe Ramirez
- Repose of the soul of Jeannie (Janice Carniero’s sister)
- Health and healing of Sterling(Coach Shaheen’s niece)
- Health and healing of Roger Montes and Reyna Sanchez
- Safety and spiritual growth while on pilgrimage for Steve and Carol Knotzke
- Safe travels and smooth transition to Mount Sacred Heart for Sr. Ansi and Sr. Alice
- Health and healing of Liam De Hoyos
- Health and healing of Renee Englebrecht
- Health, healing and protection of Tootie and Brian Vickers
- Repose of the soul of Daniel Lopez and comfort for his parents and family
- Spiritual strength of Linda Simone as she grieves the passing of her mother.
- Repose of the soul of Gerald Carr
- Repose of the soul of Dom Cabral
- Healing and recovery of Ana Ortega
- Healing of Joe Haws
- Health and healing of George Martinez and his family
- Repose of the soul of Ralph Montgomery
- For all those affected by the floods in Tennesse and the Carolinas
- Healing of Nathan Herrera
- Comfort and healing of Lily Martinez
- Health and healing of Elizabeth Herbert and Andee Olivares
- Repose of the soul of Hector Cantu
- Healing of Robert Gonzalez
- Repose of the soul of Bill Wolfarth
- For all those affected by the fires in Los Angeles, Ca.
- Repose of the soul of Ermie Carr
- Repose of the soul of Juan Flores
- For peace and conversion of hearts for the Baker family
- For the special intentions of the Whittemore family
- For blessings and guidance for the Mendoza and Cruz Family
For the souls in purgatory
March 2024
Repose of the soul of Teodora Liwanes
Special intentions of Brianna Moore
Blessings for Gerald Mendoza
Repose of the soul of Mary Helen Oliva
Repose of the soul of Fr. Banda a friend of Fr. Abraham
Health and healing of Julian Martinez, Ana Isabel Rangel
Health and recovery of Vicki Esparza and strength for her family
Repose of the soul of Felix Fisher.
Health and recovery of Alicia Diaz
February 2024
Healing of Bryan Hanks
Comfort, peace, patience of Guillermo Mendoza
Health and Recovery of Miguel Angel Garcia
Spiritual Peace of Rebecca Collazo
Comfort and health of Divine and blessings for her family
Interior peace and wisdom of Sofia Mendoza
Health of : JJ Jones, Joey Webber, Yvette Hinojosa, Cynthia Pruneda
Healthy pregnancy for Zoey Moore
Safety of Jason Bell and Leonard Sharp
January 2024
Sister Ester - Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sandra Gonzalez - Friend of the Ramirez/Samuels Family
Special intentions of the Ortiz and Mendoza Family.
Comfort and healing for Elisa Sailors
Spiritual Conversion of the Rendon Family
Swift recovery of Angelina Daniel Perez
Successful Surgery and recovery of health of Deacon Ed Domowski and the special intentions of his wife Liz.
Health and complete recovery of Kaylen Lembcke
Special intentions of Travis Dezuba
Peace and comfort of Elisa Sailors
Sister Ester - Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sandra Gonzalez - Friend of the Ramirez/Samuels Family
Dec 2023
Matthew Rendon- Conversion of heart to Christianity
Sofia Mendoza- Special intentions, wisdom and courage
Estella Lopez & Zoey Escobar- Health and healing
Nora Holdar : Healing and Health
Special intentions of the Holdar Family
Comfort and peace for Robert Bain
Sister Angelica - Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Former MSH Principal
Valentin G. Campos - Grandfather to MSH Students
Gerald Prather - Grandfather to MSH Students
DEC 2023
Jose Luis Villarreal Sr. - Grandfather to Alan, Mateo and Lillian
Evita Suarez-family of the Mendoza family
Ali Mohseni- Grandfather to Mohseni Family
Angela Perez grandmother to Dylan Tovar 8th grade